Phishapalooza I
Total Time: 5:44 Overview: It all stated with the idea of getting a group of buddies from college together on a road trip to go fly-fishing and listen to the band Phish (hence Phishapalooza). 20-years later, we're still getting together, going on adventures and listening to Phish, and it all started with this road trip back in 2004.
Phishapalooza II
Total Time: 1:18 Overview: The idea of Phishapalooza quickly took hold and in 2005, to kick off the first iteration of the Board of Directors, we met in our old stomping grounds of Southwest Virginia for a three day booze cruise down the New River.
Phishapalooza III
Total Time: 29:45 Overview: This is my personal favorite of all the Phishapalooza Philms. We covered a lot of ground in those 5-days of driving around the PNW and we had a hell of a lot of fun along the way.
Phishapalooza IV
Total Time: 18:53 Overview: We upped the ante in 2007 with the idea of visiting the highest and lowest points in the lower 48 in less than 24-hours. In the process, we fell in love with Death Valley and the Sierras before throwing a house party to celebrate.
Phishapalooza V
Total Time: 17:24 Overview: What was supposed to be a canyoneering trip in Zion, quickly morphed into a road trip when the summer rains soaked our plans. So instead, we drove around in circles, drank endless sh*tty Utah beer, stole a van, swapped stories with a guy named Jo-Jo Williams and made a music video.
PhishapaLooza VIII
Total Time: 3:58 Overview: In 2010, Geoff and Alex suffered a failed summit attempt on Rainier. So, for Phishapalooza VIII, we recruited Don and Mike to join the party (along with our buddy Jesse). This time, the weather cooperated and we all tagged the summit.
Phishapalooza IX
Total Time: 4:24 Overview: Following the success of Rainier, parts of the team reconvened the following year in Northern California to make an attempt at one of the most miserable mountain climbs in recent memory.
Phishapalooza X
Total Time: 6:53 Overview: Only Don and Geoff were able to commemorate 10-years of adventures together. To celebrate in style, they road tripped from Vegas to the Grand Canyon and hiked down to the bottom of the canyon. They spent the weekend swapping stories about past Phishapaloozas and reminisced about a decade of adventures together.