Total Time: 1:18 Overview: I was hosting an event in Nashville and as an icebreaker, I asked everyone to share with the group their favorite concert experience. Mark told this story and I immediately thought to myself, "we need to turn that into an animated short". And so I did.
Total Time: 1:52 Overview: I’m always fishing for a good story and when Mark told me this one about a guy parking his car at the bottom of the lake, I knew we needed to bring it to life.
Total Time: 1:36 Overview: This is one of my favorite animation stories ever. I actually captured this story while I was recording an interview with a guy named Mark Sanders for a different project. I loved the story so much that I decided to turn it into an animated film and surprise him with it. He loved it so much that we decided to make an entire series of them.
FINDING A GREAT STORY I interview a lot of people, and every once and awhile someone will tell me a story and I’ll immediately think; “that would make a great animated story”. Once I find it, I spend a lot of time with my eyes closes, just listening to the story again and visualizing how it will come to life on the screen. I think in terms of scenes and how each drawing will support the story and transition from one to the other.
STORYBOARD This is one of my favorite parts of the processes. I get to break out the paper and sketch the storyboard so that the animator has a point of reference for their drawings. I’ve never been a serious artist, but I absolutely love to draw and doodle and this process allows me to scratch that itch. Seeing what a true artist can breathe to life from my sketches is also a pretty cool moment.
SOUND DESIGN With the storyboard complete, I focus on the sound design. This includes hiring voice actors to play character, selecting the featured music and adding in all of the background noise and sound effects. Its the little touches that really make a film come to life, and its why I spend so much time on the sound design. This film featured here is a great example of some of my best sound design work.
SUBMISSION TO ANIMATOR Let’s be honest, the secret to this entire process is working with a great animator. I have been fortune over the years to work with some super talented artists who have been great partners in bringing my vision to life. In addition to a completed sound design and some reference images, I also provide them with a poorly drawn illustration of the film so they can use it as a reference point. This video is a great example of what I will send the animator.
Total Time: 1:15 Overview: The objective was to create a unique way of introducing the three named partners of a law firm into a film I was making. Ironically, I had heard this Johnny Cash song a few days earlier and couldn’t get it out of my head. It ended up serving as the perfect inspiration to bring this short animated film to life.
Total Time: 1:01 Overview: Although this isn’t a true animated film, it features primarily screen shots, icons and text to introduce my client’s team members to a new new internal Sharepoint site that was being rolled out at the company.
Total Time: 23:50 Overview: Client needed me to bring her training session video to life using a voiceover she had recorded on her own. I decided to create an animated film using primarily icons and short sections of b-roll to help bring her narration to life.