Total Time: 1:12 Overview: Back in 2023, I hosted a game show for my son's water polo team. One of the featured trivia questions was this video in which you have to count the total number of times someone says the words "Water Polo". Scenes in which someone says "water" and then someone else says "polo" do not count.
Total Time: 1:15 Overview: In 2020 I hosted a virtual gameshow for a client that wanted to feature photos of their company executives from high school. I came up with this idea of dispersing them amongst celebrity high school yearbook photos and having people try and spot and identify their executives. It was a huge success.
Total Time: 2:36 Overview: In this trivia game, I show you the first 90% of a commercial. Before it gets to the end, you have to guess which company the commercial is promoting. To make it more difficult, I used commercials from around the world.
Total Time: 2:50 Overview: Over the years I have produced dozens of holiday themed trivia events and this game has always been a big hit. All you have to do is finish the verse by identifying what words come next.
Total Time: 2:31 Overview: They amount of poise, confidence, patience and resilience my son had making this film (when he was only 11-years-old) still blows me away to this day. He had to memorize pages of a dialogue and worked for nearly 6-hours in front of a green screen in order to make this film come to life. He’s also a pretty damn good salesman.
Total Time: 0:20 Overview: One of the kids in our neighborhood was on my son’s soccer team. I happened to be filming the day their son scored his first goal and instead of just sending my neighbor the clip, I decided to add a few extra touches to the video.
Total Time: 3:06 Overview: I could have made another film with all of the footage that ended up on the cutting room floor from The Rhodes Family documentary, so I did. Here are some of the best outtakes that didn't make the films final cut.
Total Time: 1:26 Overview: This was actually the second video I put together when creating The Rhodes Family documentary, and it came together in under 4-hours. I used a "Skyrizi" ad as my muse and then simply swapped out graphics and text with inside jokes between me and my family. When I showed it to my family, it was met with pants wetting laughter.