Designing a Mystery experience affords me the opportunity to harness all of my skills and talents simultaneously, allowing me to design and deliver a truly remarkable experience that is unique to each client. Every design is bespoke and custom crafted to meet my client’s desired outcomes while also taking into account the venue, the attendee’s mindset going into the event, along with the time allotted to deliver the overall experience. In all my designs, my objective is to unveil the mystery as if it were a true story; something that could have actually happened. So, instead of solving a mystery, participants will in fact be finishing a story. Over the years, I have designed over a dozen unique Mystery experiences and the following are a few of my favorites.
Alice in Wonderland was without a doubt the quintessential example of literary nonsense. It’s a tale whose underlining purpose is to create wonder and provoke the imagination of the reader. It was this concept that I drew the inspiration behind “Down the Rabbit Hole”. The foundation for the experience was built upon the premise that there was no real end game and no purpose beyond letting go and just immersing yourself in the experience. There were no rules, no directions and no prizes. It was simply an invitation to take a journey to see where it will take you; just like Alice.
This event featured over 30 different challenges and over 100 different clues for attendees to interact with over the course of the evening. These are few examples of challenges that were featured.
DRINK ME: At random, the bartender would recommend an obscure drink to a guest walking up to the bar. Should they oblige, their drink was served with a note at the bottom that reveal information about another clue or was filled with absolute gibberish.
BRIEFCASE: There were several clues that would require the participant to decipher a riddle which would then lead them to another clue which would then require them to complete a task before ultimately meeting-up with the Mad Hatter.
MAKE IT RAIN: An envelope is randomly delivered to someone in the room. Inside it is a note that says “get the entire bar to chant make it rain.” Once everyone joined in, the bar staff entered the room with “money guns” and filled the air with a confetti of $1 bills.
There were two main characters, The Mad Hatter and The Queen. Throughout the evening, the Mad Hatter would interact with attendees and then lure them away from the party and into the Queens chambers.
THE QUEEN: Squirrelled away in a secret room, only accessible with an escort from the Mad Hatter, the Queen become the final destination for attendees that completed all of their clues. Each encounter was different for each participant, based on what they brought her as a gift, but every interaction was memorable for those that made it that far.
MAD HATTER: Constantly on the look out for his next victim, the Mad Hatters role was to engage and entertain the guests, all the while seeking out the most interactive guests that he could hopefully call upon to partake in a stage show at the end of the evening.
WHITE RABBIT: During dinner, I joined in on the action and dawned a purple suit and white bunny head. My role was to deliver a birthday cake filled with sparklers to a guest who was celebrating their un-birthday.
“Beyond what I could have imagined.”
“I have no idea what I just experiences, but I loved every minute of it!”
“Unbelievably unique.”
Client was looking to create a “Clue” themed experience into their wedding night dinner. Each member of the bridal party would be given a new identity and each one would be the suspect in a murder that took place a few days earlier. Using only clues and evidence they would gather, each dinner table formed a team and raced to solve the case before time ran out. At the close of dinner, each team presented their findings and identified who they believed to be the killer.
“You made our wedding day one we will never forget. Thank you soooo much!”
“That was the coolest thing anyone has ever done here.”
A luxury service brand was hosting a networking event in one of New York City’s premier venues and was in need of an activation that would engage the audience and provide opportunities for their sales team to interact with their customers. So I created a Mystery experience in which three guests, who have identical luggage, have a mix-up on the front drive of a hotel and end up taking each other’s by accident. The attendees of the event were then tasked with using the clues and evidence they gathered to identify who the three guests were and where they were going so that they could reunite the bags.
The main objective of this event was to get people networking and engaging with each other so that new connections could be made amongst the attendees.
BUSINESS CARDS: The client had over 30 different sales representatives joining them at the event and each rep was provided a custom business card with their contact information on the front and the answer to a clue on the back. For the first 45-minutues of the event, attendees were encouraged to engage with as many sales reps as possible and to collect as many business cards as possible.
TEAMWORK: Each table was given a scorecard featuring 30 different questions. Using the business cards they gathered during the cocktail reception, along with answers they acquired by sending emails, scanning QR codes and completing a series of challenges around the room, each table was in a race against time to see who could answer all of the questions first.
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Teams could also find clues planted at the table and some were even delivered to them by the service staff. Each clue offered more information and allowed teams to answer more questions on their scorecard. In the end, the first team to correctly finish the challenge was given an amazing prize; matching luxury travel luggage.
“My only critique is that it was too effective. Everyone became so engaged with the activity that they stopped eating dinner. ”
“Best networking event idea I have ever seen. Great job!”
“Very creative way to get us all interacting and a lot of fun too.”