For the past decade, my greatest passion has been designing and executing world-class giveback experiences that focus on providing the attendee with a positive lasting image of that moment in time. I want that experience to be a moment that they will forever remember and associate with a positive memory. My focus is on providing the participant with a sense of community, and an outcome that shows them that when people come together, a positive outcome can be expected.


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Overview: Drawing inspiration from a traditional newscast format, this 90-minute, pre-scripted, show will feature interviews and conversations with your employees, along with stories of hope from charitable organizations around the world.  This custom curated experience is ideal for any  company looking to regroup, reenergize and reinvigorate their team through the use of a virtual platform.  This is truly a one-of-a-kind experience that will not only strengthen your company’s culture but allow your team to engage in a positive and meaningful way while living in a virtual environment. 

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Overview: Using music as the medium, we start by partnering with a local high school to identify students who have a passion for music but are unable to purchase their own instrument. The selected students will then join your attendees on-site where they will be tasked with writing and performing a unique jingle accompanied only by a selection of Orff instruments and themed costumes. Teams will then perform on-stage with the hopes of being awarded “best song” which will help their student inch one-step closer to the ultimate prize; winning their very own instrument. However, what everyone soon realizes is that this experience has more to do with changing lives then it does with winning an instrument.

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Overview: In our longstanding partnership with the Make-A-Wish foundation, we have been able to create truly memorable moments for children in need.  The final deliverable will always vary based upon the “wish” of the recipient, but some of our most popular experiences from the past few years have included everything from an elaborate Amazing Race inspired scavenger hunt to a choreographed flash mob on the Las Vegas Strip.  Every child’s wish is different, which provides us with the opportunity to design a completely custom experience for you and your attendees to share with a special child.  

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Overview: We are the experts in identifying unique give-back projects that align with both your company’s strengths and the needs of the selected charity. From beach clean-ups in Hawaii to homebuilding projects in Mexico, our experience in managing hands-on projects affords us the opportunity to tackle any request, regardless of the size and scope of your needs.  We can confidently handle every aspect of the event from selecting the featured charity to managing all the logistics to ensure that your attendees, and the charity, get the most out of the project. 



